Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Logistics and Another Late Post

I suppose I should just admit at this point that until the director's cut of The Lord of the Rings films are finished showing in theaters that the weekly posts here will be late! So one more week of this and then we'll be back to normal.

Now that we are on our way to getting the comic finished, logistics is coming back to the forefront of our issues. We need to do several things by the end of the month, one of which is applying t another convention here in the bay area, called HyperCon.
Now, it is down in San Mateo and it is an anime convention primarily, but it is run by a former classmate of Cristian's from the Academy of Art, and it is fairly cheap to show there since the convention is only in it's second year. We'll keep you posted on our HyperCon plans.
We also need to fill out and turn in our seller's permit for APE, without it we won't be able to sell anything, and let's face it, we need the money!

What conventions are you guys going to this summer? ComicCon? Anime Expo? Anywhere you would like us to come and show our work?

Thanks again everyone, see you next week!
~Angelica P.R.

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